Friday, September 16, 2005

Second Day of School

Hah! I spoke too soon. This morning, after doing my rounds of cleaning, I checked my mobile and there were 16 missed calls from B. 16!! Goodness!!!

Rupa2 nya... anak bujang sorang tak nak go to school pulak.

"I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school", he kept repeating. He cried, bawled, howled and protested all the way. B must have panicked and pushed the call button more than he intended to.

Anyhow, my salutations to B for sticking to his guns and managed to siapkan Zareef and dragged him to school albeit 5 minutes late. History repeated itself. Zareef was back to his nursery days. He won't let go of B. He kept on repeating "Daddy stay with Zareef, alright?!". And so B obliged. B took him to a corner and started rolling out the playdough. Zareef langsung tak nak. Yana (his best friend) kept on urging him to play with her, which on normal circumstances would be an irresistible offer but he declined. He kept on clinging to B's pants.

Out of his wits, B seeked Rachel's (Zareef's teacher) advice. She adviced him to keep on playing with Zareef for about 5 minutes. Then, bid farewell and leave because the longer B stays, the clingier (ada ka such word??) Zareef will be. And so B did. Maka bermula lah satu episode meraung yg maha hebat. When I called B, he sounded so depressed. I told him it's okay. Zareef is trying to test him whether B will bend to his demands. We are setting boundaries and rules so Zareef has to learn and deal with it. If we give in to his whims, Zareef knows that he is in control of his parents, which is a big NO NO.

Hmmmm... betul pun. When we picked him up, Rachel told us Zareef settled quickly after B left and joined in all the activities and was really happy. Cehhhh... auta sungguh anak aku sorang nih. But... he was a bit aggressive today. He managed to pick a fight with one kid and when some other kids tried to play with him, he pushed them away. Aduhhhsss... that is one tell-tale sign of his protest. So, Rachel asked us to speak with him about it. However, Rachel did compliment Zareef for standing up and taking his grounds. He fought back when one of the kids tried to bully him. Way to go, Zareef!

Back home, B and I slow talked Zareef in not hitting other kids. We said it's painful and it'll make his friends cry. We also talked to him about sharing the toys and taking turns on playing a big car that he is quite obsess with. After 2 minutes of talking (tak boleh lama2, nanti jadik melalut2 and budak tak paham and tak concentrate), Zareef seemed to understand. Ntah ye ntah tidak. We'll see tomorrow how it goes.

I know I have been blabbing non-stop about my kid. It does look like I'm obsess but I can't help it. Every single thing that is happening in Zareef's life, whether it's an achieved milestone, sickness, joyous occasion or fights are such big deals to me. I'm his mother and I just want everything to go smooth sailing for my little baby even if I know that it's impossible but I'll try my very best.

A friend did say there is a simple solution to Zareef's problem of sharing. "Ko bagi je adik kat dia, pandai2 la nanti dia nak share barang2 dia". Hahahhah... yupp, that's true. InsyaAllah, that'll come next year.


Along said...

wah...sungguh mencabar juga Zareef ni nak pi sekolah. Biasa ah tu, bebudak..nak2 umur macam ni, mood swing dia semacam.

Dania also like that. Kekadang kalau mood tak betul, takmo pi Tumble Tots, padahal asyik le dok sebut bile nak pi, bile nak pi. But once she gets there, she forgets her bad mood, dah taknak balik plak. Poning kepala...


along & llah: tu la dia citer anak aku pi skolah. kejap nak kejap tak nak. today's the third day. bangun2 pagi je dah meraung2 "i don't want to go to school". pening kepala bard. tapi dia buat tak paham and bawak jugak pi playgroup.

tiba2 kat simpang just b4 nak sampai, "daddy stay with zareef and then daddy say bye2 to zareef and then daddy go to work, alright!". true to his words, macam miracle pulak boleh masuk classroom dgn baiknye. no tantrums, no bawling, nothing.

budak2 ni punya mood swings, kadang2 lagi dahsyat dpd kita yg ada pms. hormone apa ada dlm badan pun aku tak tau.

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tu lah dia part and parcel of bringing up a child, dilla. kadang2 jadik a bundle of joy. kadang2 jadik a bundle from hell (nauzubillah...).

apa2 pun, memang kena byk sgt2 bersabar esp. bila time marah2 or tengking2 nih coz kita as moms, kata2 kita tu doa. mak slalu pesan jgn marah anak yg bukan2 esp. biler kita baru lepas solat.

e.g. kita tengah solat, pastu anak pasang tv kuat. habis je bagi salam, kita pi marah anak cakap, "apasal pasang tv kuat2? pekak ke?!". nauzubillah, takut Allah makbulkan cakap kita tuh i.e. anak jadik pekak.

memang salute sgt kat moms yg study nih. kat lboro pun ramai gak. ada 3 kakak yg jadik single moms, husband dok kat msia sebab tak leh nak quit keje. yg tu memang respect habis la sebab mana nak buat phd, nak masak, nak jaga anak, nak didik anak. so, memang k.nora salute dilla habis la. yes, sekarang ni dilla tension, stress and rasa nak maki hamun je sumer org tapi at the end of the day, anak la jadi sumber segala2 nya i.e. unconditional love, laughter, comfort and joy.

kalau dah tension sgt, just leave the room. biar husband yg settlekan. takut nanti, keluar kata2 or perbuatan yg later on kita akan regret.

sorry ek, panjang pulak mengomel.


me: hello! yes, i'm also lucky to have the chance of being a stay-at-home-mom at the moment. nanti balik msia kena la keja balik.

thanx for the wish. malangnye, tak dapat nak beraya kat msia sebab ada some unforeseen circumstances pulak. hopefully, this will be our last raya here. (hahahha.. nak gelak sebab tahun lepas pun cakap the same thing gak)