Friday, March 17, 2006


I know this post is long overdue. Many things happened that has rendered me temporary blogging disability. Firstly my ever loyal Toshiba laptop conked out on me after it was struck by a lightning. Plus, I don't know what the hell is going on with the Streamyx. I have not been able to go online for several days which has totally irritated me. I got so pissed, that I called the hotline to complain. Ye lah, dah bayar mahal2 every month kan, dapat connection seciput je. Camni baik pakai dial-up. Yes Along, it has been a nightmare using the Streamyx for the past two weeks. Baru yesterday boleh log on. I seriously pity the guy who had to listen to my complains. His ears must be bleeding.

Anyway, we had a dimsum buffet to bid farewell to Yaya who is going to embark on a life journey. She'll be heading to Calgary to join her husband who has been transferred there. Yeahh... dah ada port kat sana. I'll be sure to ask B to find a conference there so that I can join him and we can bunk at your place. You did say yes. Hehehhehe... So good luck living there ya!

I could only manage to snap a couple of pictures before my Ixus ran out of juice. So enjoy....

1 comment:

Azura Abas said...

Hmm yaya dah sampai kat Calgary dah pun....