Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Month We Both Turned 33...

My apologies... I know a bunch of people out there who are ready to kill me for not updating. How long has it been? A month you say? Ahhh yes... my bad. First culprit would be the continuous orders of cakes and cupcakes (Alhamdulillah...), then the school holidays that saw me enjoying island life at Tioman for a week and recovering period for the kids and I the next. Then it was my birthday weekend and yesterday was B's.

I'll just make this a pictorial post since I am having a writer's block at the moment. Enjoy!

My take of the sunset at Tioman on our first day of arrival.

Despite having just traveled for six hours, these kids instantaneously hit the beach. Talk about beach bums!

We went snorkeling the next day. We hired a speed boat to take us to three snorkeling spots. We went to Tioman's Marine Park which I dare say is almost non-existent, the corals that is. All dead! What a disappointment!!

Then we went here which was totally awesome! Deep, deep blue water with lots of healthy, beautiful corals and friendly fishes to boot!! Hehehheh... I felt like I was in being attacked left, right and center by these hungry fishes.

I did my Discovery Scuba Diving (DSD) the next day. It's certainly one of the MUST-DO things before you die :). Totally amazing!!!!

Off to my DSD with my divemaster, Alfian. Cool dude who resigned from being a lawyer for his passion in diving and all things underwater :D. The tank weighted 20kg! Berat nak mampos but I persevered. However, it felt nothing underwater but after all the fun and joy of diving, it felt like a dead weight with every single step that I took exiting the waters towards the dive center. Malam tu terus demam!!!

The chalets that my family booked, the whole row of them. It's called Salang Indah Resort. Basic clean room with hot water and AC that suits me well. It's all about roughing it out.

Zara fed the fishes with bread. You can see how crystal clear the water is.

My cheeky monkey :D

Zareef doing his jump, terjun style from the jetty. He was well inspired by the local kids who could swim faster than the fishes, dive head on better than those synchronized divers and were only 6-7 years old! I was totally impressed!!!

My boy after several jumps. He totally enjoyed it!

Abah with his cucus during one of their bonding times.

After a week at Tioman, we went home, all supertanned and covered with sandflies' bites. Zareef, my mom and I semua demam. Tak tau la demam terkejut ke, penat ke or what. The next weekend was my birthday and B had arranged for a surprise getaway. I told him, "Please... no long distance. Tak larat dah".

I was pleasantly surprised when he brought us to Impiana KLCC for a revisit (we came here for our Sevenmoon :D). Oh such joy!!

Our room for the weekend.

B booked the Marine Escapade package which included a family package visit to the Aquaria. The kids were ecstatic! And it firmly reinforced my desire to do my PADI open water.

My birthday dinner at The Loaf. They've come up with a new and better menu which I must say, looked yummier than the last.

My main entree which was the beef shank with soba noodles. Delicious! The slices of medium cooked beef were tender, juicy and oh so yummy!!!

B ordered Beef Ribs for his entree. Hands down, this is THE BEST ribs that I've ever tasted!! Eat your heart out Tony Roma's! Every bite sent us to heaven :D

While we were busy tucking in, this cheeky monkey jumped around and ran about the restaurant. Nasib baik, it was just us.

The next night, we went to Swensen's at Subang Parade for dinner again (Mommy malas nak masak coz was still in birthday celebratory mood hehh).

I've always loved this place for its quintessential all-American food plus this is the only place where I can feast on a plethora of lip-smacking ice-cream sundaes at reasonable prices. This place is kinda sentimental to me too as I've been coming here since I was 13 (I used to frequent the one at Federal Bowl), hence the returned visits :)

This time, cheeky monkey slept all the way through. She was totally KOed.

As a finale to my wonderful birthday weekend, B bought for us an icecream cake, something which he said I can't do. He got that right!

Happy Birthday to the both of us! May we live long and prosper, jodoh berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat and still be in love with each other till the end of time. Aminnnn...