Thursday, April 29, 2010

When The Mood Strikes...

It has no mercy! Nyeh nyeh nyeh...

If you've been to my house, you'll know the sorry state that Zareef's bedroom is in. With the amount of toys brought back by a 20 footer container and others accumulated along the years, it is fast becoming a cluttered dumping ground.

My eyes could no longer bear it. With the aid of my weekly helper, I turned Zareef's room upside-down, inside-out and chucked all the toys out of sight. I disassembled Zara's bed on my own, had the helper to move it to Zareef's room and I reassembled them, all by myself. Phuuhhh... not bad for a 4.75 months pregnant woman, ehh?!

After 4 hours of hard labor, Zareef's room turned out like this...

I know, not perfect but this will do for the time being. At least, there's space to move around and the room looked slightly organized and the most important thing of all... both kids are more than willing to sleep in this room during the night.

But lo and behold, despite clearing out Zareef's room, I had to dump the toys somewhere, don't I? Hence the guest room became the victim *BIG SIGH*.

Now, what shall I do with all these toys? Should I hold a garage sale? Would you guys want to buy these used stuff?

BUT... the best outcome of all.... hehehheheh....

I can reclaim my diva-like king size bed all to myself. Errrr... I mean to the both of us NGEEEEE...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

17 Weeks Ago...

So that explains why I've not written anything for yonks. I was totally KO. Muntah-muntah, loya-loya, pening-pening 24 hours a day. Yeah, that bad. Thankfully, the sickness has subsided. Not substantially, no. But somehow bearable.

I still can't cook. I detest the smell of onions and garlic frying in the wok or any form of cooking for that matter. I can stand B's smell especially at the end of his working day. So no big hugs and kisses there. Mandi dulu bagi wangi-wangi, baru boleh peluk cium. I made sure Zareef and Zara brush their teeth all the time. Any weird smell will send me straight to the loo and see my head deep down there, if I'm fast. Or else, the nearest bowl and cup will do. Horrible, I know!

Due to constant gagging and vomiting, I've lost 6kg of my body weight which got a good round of applause from my gynae. Oh well, that's one good thing that came out from this pregnancy. Hopefully, this time, the sickness won't last long. With Zareef, it was for five months and six with Zara. Fingers cross.