I bought the package at HomeDec in November last year but only now do I have the resources to do them up.
Installation at the dining area. This guy was very skillful and quick. I couldn't help but be amazed...
Installation at Zareef's room
Tadaaaa... dining area.
TV area
Zareef's room. Please excuse the mess. High time to do a garage sale. Seriously!
Finally, my bedroom.
Installation at Zareef's room
Tadaaaa... dining area.
TV area
Zareef's room. Please excuse the mess. High time to do a garage sale. Seriously!
Finally, my bedroom.
I just can't stop staring at my walls. They are simply mesmerizing. I love them! :D
Your choice of colours reflect you well ;-) Btw, whole house air-conditioned ke...The Msian weather is very hot and humid and wet at the same time...
Love the transformation at ur dining area. :) Show la proper full pic..he he..
psst: now u hv a reason for a wallpaper-warming party, no? ;)
wah cantik sgt..i like..the bedroom one very d serene...n the red one wahh boleh bg tambah selera makan.. :P
cantik cantik cantikkkkkk semuanyaa....
i paling suka ur bedroom. nampak simple tapi menarik! the color combo pon sangat nice.
You've been chosen to receive the Uber Amazing Blog Award and you've also been tagged sista. Rajin-rajin jawab, ya!
hasma: hey georgie!! didn't know you have a blog until now and we have the same layout!
to answer your question, no, my house is not fully ACed but the wallpapers nowadays have been specifically made to adapt to our hot humid temperature :)
and how do they reflect me?? i thought i chose them based on my whims and fancies :D
rin: thanks :) the house was in total mess. so that explains lack of a full picture.
tak payah la post-wallpaper housewarming party. can come anytime :) just give a holler!
elin: thanks :) i tak pernah pulak terpikir pasal nak menambah selera makan. all i ever thought was to have an impact upon entering the house.
amy: thanks dear!
ks: tima kasih :D you're too kind...
dilla: thanks for the honor! i really appreciate it. and now to answer the tag.. hmmmm...
awat tak update ni?? sebok layan new walls ka sampai tak dan nak update?? :P :P
ke sebok buat tagging?? hahaha :P
ks: tak layan dah... skarang dok sibuk melayan my birthday and the hubby's. celebrate sebulan kan... :P
very nice Nora...!
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