Monday, January 14, 2008

Sizzling with Bogo and Fern

My two good friends, Bogo and Fern hosted a BBQ at their parents' place last week. It was good to see them again. Bogo was surprisingly quite thin and lean. Maybe because he was left all alone to fend for himself in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Menu for the night was of course BBQed chicken and meat, mashed potatoes with gravy, crispy salad, fried rice and all kinds of cakes and crisps for munching while waiting for the chicken and meat to cook.

The gracious hostess with the mostess who had prepared delicious marinated chicken and meat. Fern has always been known to cook up a storm whenever we came over for a visit at their cool abode in Sutton. She is such a good and talented cook. Memang patut la Bogo kurus kering kat Baku sebab Fern tak ikut. Tak cukup makan.

The long-lost friends, Zareef and Luqman finally reunited. It didn't take them long to warm up to each other. Look, they're even eating together.

Ex-Boilers; me, Bogo and the famous DJ PhutureCybersonique a.k.a Iwan having a chat. I somehow missed Sal because we had to leave early to check into Novotel as B had to work there for the weekend.

While B was cooped up in the meeting room trying to finish his work, the kids and I had fun in the sun at the pool. We then had lunch and tea at nearby Pavilion (minus B of course) with me pushing Zara in the stroller and dragging Zareef into stores after stores, one floor after another.
We even went back the next day, much to Zareef's dismay and chagrin. Tapi tak boleh nak argue dengan Mummy la kan because I bribed him with lots of food and a dvd. Hehehheh... kena la ambik hati anak jugak kan.

What do I think of Pavilion? It's a cool mall. Too big perhaps but it was build to compete with 5th Avenue and Ginza. Boleh ke? My only complain was that the air-conditioning wasn't effective at all. We were feeling hot and bothered and Zareef was sweating like he had just finished playing ball. They should do something about the air-cond. Who wants to shop when they're all hot and sweaty anyway?

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